PAH Initiative
Learn more about Group 1 pulmonary arterial hypertension (PAH) – its diagnosis, pathophysiology, and understanding risk status.
The PAH Initiative provides information on PAH treatment guidelines, treatment pathways and medication classes, and numerous educational resources for clinicians and patients.
Whether you occasionally see patients with PAH, or you are a dedicated PAH specialist, the PAH Initiative provides tools and resources designed to broaden your understanding of PAH and to enable you to help your patients feel better today. All with the goal to help improve patient prognosis.

PAH Disease Education
PAH Disease State Curriculum
When a healthcare professional is new to PAH, it can be challenging to find resources that provide foundational disease education to prepare a clinician with a basic understanding of PAH. That’s why the PAH Initiative has created a self-guided, self-paced PAH Curriculum for healthcare professionals who want to learn more about PAH disease—including nurses, physician assistants, and anyone else who could benefit from more information on PAH.
Want to learn more about PAH?
Try the PAH
Disease State Curriculum created by PAH Initiative.
Risk Assessment
Assessing risk status aids in the determination of prognosis, initial therapy choice, response to therapy, and the need for adjustments to treatment.
Learn more about why routine, objective multi-parameter monitoring is essential to help your patients feel better today, supporting the goal of improving their prognosis.
Find resources to help you integrate objective risk assessment into your clinical practice.
Learn about PAH risk assessmentRight Heart Monitoring Resources
Near normalization of the right heart is an important treatment goal associated with improved risk status and improved long-term patient survival.
Waiting for symptoms to worsen before adjusting your patient’s treatment regimen may reduce the opportunity for future improvement in functional capacity.
Learn why PAH experts now understand that right heart size and function are leading indicators of PAH progression.
Explore right heart monitoring resourcesProfessional Resources Podcasts
The PAH Initiative is always expanding to include new resources and practical tools for clinicians.
To help you keep up to date with the latest considerations in PAH management, the PAH Initiative offers a podcast series hosted by Drs. Vallerie McLaughlin and Raymond Benza.
The podcast covers topics like risk assessment, treatment goals, therapy escalation, and their insights on conversations with patients.
Check out our podcast series and other professional resources from the PAH Initiative.
Listen to PAH Initiative podcast seriesIn-Office Resources
PAH Online Risk Calculators
According to the current treatment guidelines, each patient should receive an objective, multiparameter risk assessment at diagnosis, and then every 3 to 6 months.
You can choose among 5 calculators – REVEAL 2.0, Reveal Lite 2, ESC/ERS Initial Assessment (3-strata method), COMPERA 2 (4-strata method), and French Noninvasive Assessment, – depending upon which works best for your practice.
Use these tools to calculate your patient’s risk status and determine whether treatment changes are needed to reach low-risk.
Calculate your PAH patient’s risk scoreMobile-Friendly Risk Calculators
The PAH Initiative Risk Calculators are optimized to be used on a mobile device allowing healthcare providers to easily calculate risk status on their cell phone or tablet. Results can then be printed to put in a patient’s chart/file.
Create a mobile-friendly shortcut icon for your favorite risk calculator making it easy to visit in the future.
Access mobile risk calculatorsPrint Resources
The PAH Initiative offers online resources and in-office tools to assess your patient’s risk status and help them reach low-risk status.
Download and order copies of our risk calculator tear pads here.
Access print resources